Pure Molasses / Pulot / Blackstrap molasses / Black treacle (1/2 liter = 500ml

Pure Molasses / Pulot / Blackstrap molasses / Black treacle (1/2 liter = 500ml

  • ₱45.00
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Product details of Pure Molasses / Pulot / Blackstrap molasses / Black treacle (1/2 liter = 500ml)

  • Pure Molasses (1/2 Liters) (500ml)
  • 100% PURE QUALITY (Feed Grade)
  • From Sugarcane
  • Old fashioned molasses
  • For Animals and Agricultural use only
  • Commonly use for Bokashi, Animal feed and mushroom substrate
  • Beneficial nutrients for Micro-organisms and animals
  • Its clean but not for human consumption
  • Chat us for more details


100% PURE MOLASSES (Feed Grade)

(1/2 Liter - 500 ml)



Also known as: Molases, Pulot, Blackstrap, Black treacle



Molasses is the dark, sweet, syrupy byproduct made during the extraction of sugars from sugarcane. Molasses can vary in color, sweetness, and nutritional content depending on the variety or how much sugar has been extracted.

How Molasses Is Made

During the sugar making process, juice extracted from sugarcane or sugar beets is boiled down until the sugars crystallize and precipitate out. The syrup left over after crystallization is referred to as molasses. Typically, sugar cane juice undergoes three cycles of boiling and crystallization to extract as much sugar as possible. With each successive cycle, the leftover molasses contains less sugar.


Nutritional Content of Molasses

Because molasses is the leftover components of sugarcane juice after sugar is extracted, it contains a concentrated level of the vitamins and minerals that were present in the sugarcane itself. Molasses is particularly prized for its iron content, although it also contains other important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The amount of these nutrients depends on the variety of molasses and the process used to make it. Blackstrap molasses tends to have the highest nutrient content because it is the most concentrated and has had the most sugar removed. Every brand and variety of molasses is made differently so always check the nutrition label for the exact nutrient content.